The TCC Users' Guide
- i. The Function of TCC
- 1. The Overall Design of TCC
- 1.1. Specifying the API
- 1.2. The Main Compilation Path
- 1.3. Input File Types
- 1.4. Intermediate and Output Files
- 1.5. Other Compilation Paths
- 1.6. Finding out what tcc is doing
- 2. TCC Environments
- 2.1. The Environment Search Path
- 2.2. The Default Environment: Configuring tcc
- 2.3. Using Environments to Specify APIs
- 2.4. Using Environments to Implement tcc Options
- 2.5. User-Defined Environments
- 3. Component of the TDF System
- 3.1. The C to TDF Producer
- 3.2. The TDF Linker
- 3.3. The TDF to Target Translator
- 3.4. The System Assembler
- 3.5. The System Linker
- 3.6. The C Preprocessor
- 3.7. The TDF Pretty Printer
- 3.8. The TDF Archiver
- 4. Miscellaneous Topics
- 4.1. Intermodular Checks
- 4.2. Debugging and Profiling
- 4.3. The System Environment
- 4.4. The Temporary Directory