4. First-class SORT expansions
- 4.1. Access
- 4.2. Al_tag
- 4.3. Alignment
- 4.4. Bitfield_variety
- 4.5. Bool
- 4.6. Error_treatment
- 4.7. Exp
- 4.8. ExpTerm
- 4.9. Floating_variety
- 4.10. Label
- 4.11. Nat
- 4.12. Ntest
- 4.13. Rounding_mode
- 4.14. Shape
- 4.15. Signed_Nat
- 4.16. String
- 4.17. Tag
- 4.18. Token
- 4.19. Transfer_mode
- 4.20. Variety
All of the first-class sorts have similar expansions for native TDF constructions and for token applications. I shall take <Shape> as the paradigm sort and allow the reader to conjugate the following for the the other sorts.
Those first-class sorts which include the _cond constructions denote them in the same way:
<Shape> ::= SHAPE ? ( <Exp>, <Shape>, <Shape> )
This produces a shape_cond with the obvious parameters.
Each constructor for <Shape> with parameters which are first-class sorts can be expanded:
<Shape> ::= <shape_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt
Each <constructor_param> will be the first_class SORT expansion, required by the <shape_constructor> as in the TDF specification eg the constructor, pointer, requires a <constructor_param> ::= <Alignment>.
Any <ident> which is declared to be a <shape_token> by a TOKDEF or TOKDEC can be expanded:
<Shape> ::= <shape_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
This will produce a shape_apply_token with the appropriate parameters. Each <token_param> will be the first-class SORT expansion required by the SORT given by the <TokDecPar> of the TOKDEF or TOKDEC which introduced <shape_token>.
4.1. Access
<Access> ::= ACCESS ? ( <Exp> , <Access> , <Access> ) <Access> ::= <access_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Access> ::= <access_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
There are no expansions of <Access> other than the standard ones.
4.2. Al_tag
<Al_tag> ::= <al_tag_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard token expansion.
<Al_tag> ::= <ident>
Any <ident> found as an expansion of <Al_tag> will be declared as the name for an AL_TAG.
4.3. Alignment
<Alignment> ::= ALIGNMENT ? ( <Exp> , <Alignment> , <Alignment> ) <Alignment> ::= <alignment_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Alignment> ::= <alignment_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Alignment> ::= <Al_tag>
This results in an obtain_al_tag of the AL_TAG.
<Alignment> ::= ( <Alignment>-List-Opt )
The <Alignment>s in the <Alignment>-List are united using unite_alignments. The empty option results in the top ALIGNMENT.
4.4. Bitfield_variety
<Bitfield_variety> ::= BITFIELD_VARIETY ? ( <Exp> , <Bitfield_variety>, <Bitfield_variety>) <Bitfield_variety> ::= <bitfield_variety_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Bitfield_variety> ::= <bitfield_variety__token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Bitfield_variety> ::= <BfSign>-Opt <Nat> <BfSign> ::= <Bool> <BfSign> ::= Signed <BfSign> ::= Unsigned
This expands to bfvar_bits. The empty default on the sign is Signed.
4.5. Bool
<Bool> ::= BOOL ? ( <Exp> , <Bool>, <Bool>) <Bool> ::= <bool_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Bool> ::= <bool_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
There are no expansions of <Bool> other than the standard ones.
4.6. Error_treatment
<Error_treatment> ::= ERROR_TREATMENT ? ( <Exp> , <Error_treatment>, <Error_treatment>) <Error_treatment> ::= <error_treatment_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Error_treatment> ::= <error_treatment__token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Error_treatment> ::= <Label>
This gives an error_jump to the label.
<Error_treatment> ::= [ <Error_code>-List] <Error_code> ::= overflow <Error_code> ::= nil_access <Error_code> ::= stack_overflow
Produces trap with the <Error_code>s as arguments.
4.7. Exp
<Exp> ::= <ExpTerm> <Exp> ::= <ExpTerm> <BinaryOp> <ExpTerm>
The <BinaryOp>s include the arithmetic, offset, logical operators and assignment and are given in table 1. In this expansion, any error_treatments are taken to be wrap.
<BinaryOp> | TDF constructor | <BinaryOp> | TDF constructor | |
And | and | Or | or | |
Xor | xor | *+. | add_to_ptr | |
*-* | subtract_ptrs | .* | offset_mult | |
.+. | offset_add | .-. | offset_subtract | |
./ | offset_div_by_int | ./. | offset_div | |
.max. | offset_max | % | rem2 | |
%1 | rem1 | * | mult | |
+ | plus | - | minus | |
/ | div2 | /1 | div1 | |
<< | shift_left | >> | shift_right | |
F* | floating_mult | F+ | floating_plus | |
F- | floating_minus | F/ | floating_div | |
= | assign | – | – |
The names like *+. (i.e. add_to_ptr) do have a certain logic; the * indicates that the left operand must be a pointer expression and the. that the other is an offset
The further expansions of <Exp> are all <ExpTerm>s.
4.8. ExpTerm
<ExpTerm> ::= EXP ? ( <Exp> , <Exp>, <Exp>) <ExpTerm> ::= <exp_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <ExpTerm> ::= <exp_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<ExpTerm> ::= <ClosedExp>
For <ClosedExp>, see section 3.3.
<ExpTerm> ::= ( <Exp> ) <ExpTerm> ::= - ( <Exp> )
The negate constructor.
<ExpTerm> ::= Sizeof ( <Shape> )
This produces the EXP OFFSET for an index multiplier for arrays of <Shape>. It is the shape_offset of <Shape> padded up to its alignment.
<ExpTerm> ::= <Tag>
This produces an obtain_tag.
<ExpTerm> ::= * <ident>
The <ident> must have been declared as a variable TAG and the construction produces a contents operation with its declared SHAPE.
<ExpTerm> ::= * ( <Shape> ) <ExpTerm>
This produces a contents operation with the given <Shape>.
<ExpTerm> ::= <Assertion>
For <Assertion>, see section 3.3.1
<ExpTerm> ::= Case <Exp> ( <RangeDest>-List ) <RangeDest> ::= <Signed_Nat> < : <Signed_Nat> >-Opt -> <Label>
This produces a case operation.
<ExpTerm> ::= Cons [ <Exp> ] ( < <Offset> : <Exp> >-List ) <Offset> ::= <Exp>
This produces a make_compound with the [ <Exp> ] as the size and fields given by < <Offset> : <Exp> >-List.
<ExpTerm> ::= [ <Variety> ] <ExpTerm>
This produces a change_variety with a wrap error_treatment.
<ExpTerm> ::= <Signed_Nat> ( <Variety> )
This produces a make_int of the <Signed_Nat> with the given variety.
<ExpTerm> ::= <floating_denotation> < E <Signed_Nat> >-Opt <Rounding_Mode>-Opt <ExpTerm> ::= - <floating_denotation> < E <Signed_Nat> >-Opt <Rounding_Mode>-Opt
Produces a make_floating.
<ExpTerm> ::= <ProcVal> [ <Shape> ] ( <Exp>-List-Opt < Varpar <Exp> >-Opt) <ProcVal> ::= <Tag> <ProcVal> ::= ( <Exp> )
Produces an apply_proc with the given parameters returning the given <Shape>.
<ExpTerm> ::= <ProcVal> [ <Shape> ] [ <Act_Callers>-Opt ; <Act_Callees>-Opt <; <Postlude>>-Opt ] <ProcProps>-Opt <Act_Callers> ::= <<Exp> <: <ident>>-Opt>-List <...>-Opt <Act_Callees> ::= <Exp>-List <...>-Opt <Act_Callees> ::= Dynamic ( <Exp> , <Exp> ) <...>-Opt <Act_Callees> ::= Same <Postlude> ::= <Exp>
Produces an apply_general_proc with the actual caller parameters given by <Act_Callers> and the calle parameters given by <Act_Callees>; the <...> option indicates that the procedure is expecting a variable number of parameters. Any <ident>s introduced in <Act_Callers> are in scope in <Postlude>.
<Exp> ::= <ProcVal> Tail_call [ <Act_Callees>-Opt ]
Produces a tail_call with the callee parameters given and same caller parameters as those of the calling procedure.
<ExpTerm> ::= Proc <Proc_defn>
Produces a make_proc. For <Proc_defn>, see section 3.1.7
<ExpTerm> ::= <String> ( <Variety> )
Produces a make_nof_int of the given variety.
<ExpTerm> ::= # <String>
This produces a TDF fail_installer; this construction is useful for narrowing down SHAPE errors detected by the translator.
4.9. Floating_variety
<Floating_variety> ::= FLOATING_VARIETY ? ( <Exp> , <Floating_variety>, <Floating_variety>) <Floating_variety> ::= <floating_variety_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Floating_variety> ::= <floating_variety__token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard constructions.
<Floating_variety> ::= Float
An IEEE 32 bit floating variety.
<Floating_variety> ::= Double
An IEEE 64 bit floating variety.
4.10. Label
<Label> ::= <label_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard token application.
<Label> ::= <ident>
The <ident> will be declared as a LABEL, whose scope is the current procedure.
4.11. Nat
<Nat> ::= NAT ? ( <Exp> , <Nat>, <Nat>) <Nat> ::= <nat_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Nat> ::= <nat_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Nat> ::= <integer_denotation>
Produces a make_nat on the integer
<Nat> ::= <character>
Produces a make_nat on the ASCII value of the character.
4.12. Ntest
<Ntest> ::= NTEST ? ( <Exp> , <Ntest>, <Ntest>) <Ntest> ::= <ntest_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Ntest> ::= <ntest_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Ntest> ::= !<
Produces not_less_than.
<Ntest> ::= !<=
Produces not_less_than_or_equal.
<Ntest> ::= !=
Produces not_equal.
<Ntest> ::= !>
Produces not_greater_than.
<Ntest> ::= !>=
Produces not_greater_than_or_equal.
<Ntest> ::= !Comparable
Produces not_comparable.
<Ntest> ::= <
Produces less_than.
<Ntest> ::= <=
Produces less_than_or_equal.
<Ntest> ::= ==
Produces equal.
<Ntest> ::= >
Produces greater_than.
<Ntest> ::= >=
Produces greater_than_or_equal.
4.13. Rounding_mode
<Rounding_mode> ::= ROUNDING_MODE? ( <Exp> , <Rounding_mode>, <Rounding_mode>) <Rounding_mode> ::= <ntest_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Rounding_mode> ::= <ntest_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
There are no constructions for <Rounding_mode> other than the standard ones.
4.14. Shape
<Shape> ::= SHAPE ? ( <Exp> , <Shape>, <Shape>) <Shape> ::= <shape_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Shape> ::= <shape_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Shape> ::= Float
The shape for an IEEE 32 bit float.
<Shape> ::= Double
The shape for an IEEE 64 bit float.
<Shape> ::= <Sign>-Opt Int <Sign> ::= Signed <Sign> ::= Unsigned
The shape for a 32 bit signed or unsigned integer. The default is signed.
<Shape> ::= <Sign>-Opt Long
The shape for a 32 bit signed or unsigned integer.
<Shape> ::= <Sign>-Opt Short
The shape for a 16 bit signed or unsigned integer.
<Shape> ::= <Sign>-Opt Char
The shape for a 8 bit signed or unsigned integer.
<Shape> ::= Ptr <Shape>
The SHAPE pointer(alignment(<Shape>)).
4.15. Signed_Nat
<Signed_Nat> ::= SIGNED_NAT ? ( <Exp> , <Signed_Nat>, <Signed_Nat>) <Signed_Nat> ::= <signed_nat_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Signed_Nat> ::= <signed_nat_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Signed_Nat> ::= <integer_denotation> <Signed_Nat> ::= - <integer_denotation>
This produces a make_signed_nat on the integer value.
<Signed_Nat> ::= <character> <Signed_Nat> ::= - <character>
This produces a make_signed_nat on the ASCII value of the character.
<Signed_Nat> ::= LINE
This produces a make_signed_nat on the current line number of the file being compiled - useful for writing test programs.
<Signed_Nat> ::= + <Nat> <Signed_Nat> ::= - <Nat>
This produces an appropriately signed <Signed_Nat> from a <Nat>.
4.16. String
<String> ::= STRING? ( <Exp> , <String>, <String>) <String> ::= <string_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <String> ::= <string_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions
<String> ::= <string>
Produces a make_string.
4.17. Tag
<Tag> ::= <tag_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard token application.
<Tag> ::= <ident>
This gives an obtain_tag; the <ident> must been declared as a TAG either globally or locally.
4.18. Token
TOKEN is rather a limited first-class sort. There is no explicit construction given for token_apply_token, since the only place where it can occur is in an expansion of a token parameter of another token; here it is produced implicitly. The only place where <Token> is expanded is in an actual TOKEN parameter of a token application; other uses (e.g. as in <shape_token>) are always <ident>s.
<Token> ::= <ident>
The <ident> must have been declarered by a <Tokdec> or <Tokdec> or is a formal parameter of TOKEN.
<Token> ::= Use <Tok_Defn>
This produces a use_tokdef. For <Tok_Defn> see section 3.1.2. The critical use of this construction is to provide an actual TOKEN parameter to a token application where the <Tok_Defn> contains uses of tags or labels local to a procedure.
4.19. Transfer_mode
<Transfer_mode> ::= TRANSFER_MODE ? ( <Exp> , <Transfer_mode>, <Transfer_mode>) <Transfer_mode> ::= <transfer_mode_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Transfer_mode> ::= <transfer_mode_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
There are no expansions for <Transfer_mode> other than the standard expansions.
4.20. Variety
<Variety> ::= VARIETY ? ( <Exp> , <Variety>, <Variety>) <Variety> ::= <variety_constructor> < ( <constructor_param>-List ) >-Opt <Variety> ::= <variety_token> < [ <token_param>-List ] >-Opt
The standard expansions.
<Variety> ::= <Signed_Nat> : <Signed_Nat>
This produces var_limits.
<Variety> ::= <Sign>-Opt Int <Variety> ::= <Sign>-Opt Long <Variety> ::= <Sign>-Opt Short <Variety> ::= <Sign>-Opt Char
This produces the variety of the appropriate integer shape.